Hunan Blownfiber Technology Co.,Ltd

Selection of Process Parameters for Optical Fiber Cable Air Blowing Installation
来源: | Author:BF-001 | Published time: 2015-08-12 | 171 次浏览 | 分享到:

(1) The ratio of the optical fiber cable's outer diameter to the silicon core tube's inner diameter is typically chosen within the range of 0.35-0.6.

(2) Compressed Air Pressure and Hydraulic Conveying Force The optimal compressed air pressure and hydraulic conveying force vary based on different operating conditions. For the hydraulic conveying force, it is advisable to start with a lower force during the initial stages of cable blowing and gradually increase it as the cable length inside the silicon core tube increases. Additionally, when dealing with smaller diameter cables relative to the conduit, it is recommended to restrict the hydraulic conveying force to minimize the potential risk of cable folding within the conduit.

The traction force applied to the cable's front end is equal to the effective cross-sectional area (conduit's cross-sectional area minus cable's cross-sectional area) multiplied by the compressed air pressure. Consequently, a larger effective cross-sectional area results in a greater traction force on the cable. For instance, when blowing a φ15mm cable in a conduit with an inner diameter of φ33mm, the traction force exerted on the cable is 679N at 1MPa compressed air pressure, and 815N at 1.2MPa compressed air pressure. Similarly, when blowing a φ20mm cable in a conduit with an inner diameter of φ42mm, the traction force on the cable is 1071N at 1MPa compressed air pressure and 1285N at 1.2MPa compressed air pressure.

(3) Suitable Operating Environment Temperature: 6-32°C If the temperature drops below 6°C, it is recommended to incorporate a compressed air pipeline heater. Conversely, when the temperature exceeds 32°C, overheated compressed air can be detrimental to the cable and plastic conduit, necessitating the use of a compressed air cooler.

(4) Selection of Air Compressor The choice of an air compressor significantly impacts the distance achievable during air blowing installation. Higher output pressure from the air compressor results in increased traction force applied to the cable's front end. It is advisable to select an air compressor with an exhaust pressure not less than 1.2MPa. The output flow rate of the air compressor is equally important. When the cable travels through the plastic conduit, the compressed air flow should compensate for any air leakage in the cable blowing system. Larger conduit diameters require a corresponding increase in the air compressor's flow rate. For plastic conduits with inner diameters of φ26-φ33mm, it is recommended to have an air compressor flow rate of no less than 9m3/min. For plastic conduits with an inner diameter greater than φ33mm, a flow rate of no less than 12m3/min is recommended for the air compressor.