Hunan Blownfiber Technology Co.,Ltd

What's The Main factors affecting cable blowing effectiveness?
来源: | Author:BF-001 | Published time: 2014-11-13 | 168 次浏览 | 分享到:

(1) Influence of terrain and topography, as well as the quality of silicon core tube installation. 

(2) Ratio between the outer diameter of the fiber optic cable and the inner diameter of the plastic duct. 

(3) Unit length weight of the fiber optic cable and the outer sheath material (generally, fiber optic cables with medium-density polyethylene outer sheaths have better blowing performance). 

(4) Selection of cable blowing points, preferably choosing downhill locations in sloping areas. 

(5) Performance parameters of the air compressor. (6) Ambient temperature and humidity during construction.